Massage is the gentle stroking or manipulation of the skin, muscles, and other soft tissues. It has been incorporated into pain management strategies for many medical conditions and injuries.

Physical touch lowers heart rate and blood pressure, increases hormones like oxytocin that make us feel good and promotes relaxation. Moderate pressure massages also heighten the body’s immune system by boosting white blood cells, which help fight diseases and infections. Click for more details.
During the massage session you will be encouraged to relax and let go of any tension or worries. This will help your muscles and the rest of your body to respond positively to the treatment. Your massage therapist may ask you questions to determine your level of stress and the areas of your body that need particular attention. The initial discussion with your therapist is an opportunity to discuss the specific outcomes you want from your massage, ensuring that your session is targeted and customized for you. Your comfort is always paramount, so if during your treatment you need more or less pressure or music, be sure to communicate with your therapist.
The physical manipulation of soft tissue during a massage increases blood flow and lymph circulation, which in turn stimulates the endocrine system to release hormones that promote relaxation and decrease the effects of stress. The increased oxygen flow to the muscles also allows them to build and repair more quickly.
Some studies have shown that massage reduces the levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress. Others suggest that the balancing effect of massage on the autonomic nervous system (which controls the fight-or-flight response) reduces anxiety and depression, as well as increasing energy, alertness and libido.
Massage can cause a deep sense of relaxation by relaxing the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It may even affect deep muscle structures that are not easily accessible. In fact, this is one of the reasons why some people find that a deeper massage is more effective than a lighter one on certain parts of the body.
A good massage can also help with digestion by stimulating the endocrine system to release a protein that helps the body to break down and process fats. This may lead to a feeling of fullness and weight loss.
During your massage you will usually be asked to disrobe to your underwear, and then lie down on a treatment table, which is covered by a sheet and blanket. The therapist will leave the room for a few moments to allow you to get comfortable and then start working on the areas that need attention. After your massage, your therapist will wait for you to get dressed and give you a glass of water to drink.
Increased Circulation
For your body to function optimally, it requires healthy circulation which brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body. If this is disrupted, you can experience a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms like cold feet or hands, fatigue, muscle aches, and poor wound healing. But thankfully there are ways to improve circulation and one of the easiest is to get a massage.
The physical manipulation of soft tissue and chemicals released as a part of relaxation during massage are both great for boosting circulation. But what’s particularly interesting about how massage improves circulation is that it isn’t just limited to the blood vessels near the surface of the skin. Instead, the pressure and release of massage techniques increase blood flow to muscle fibres deep within the body.
This is due to an increase in vasodilation which happens when the smooth muscles lining blood vessels relax and dilate allowing blood to pass through more easily. The increased movement of blood helps to reduce inflammation caused by injury, flushes out lactic acid and other metabolic waste, and promotes better muscular flexibility.
In addition, the increased movement of blood also facilitates the flow of lymph fluid which carries away waste products from muscle cells and internal organs. The squeezing action of massage increases the flow of this fluid as well and helps clear lactic acid from muscles to help them perform at their best.
If you have a condition like Raynaud’s phenomenon which causes poor circulation in the fingers and toes, therapeutic massage can be particularly helpful as it stimulates circulation to those areas. It can also be useful in treating sprains and strains as the improved circulation expedites healing by bringing more nutrients to injured tissues and removing metabolic wastes.
While there’s no doubt that the circulation benefits of massage are significant, it’s important to remember that a good diet and exercise are the most effective way to keep your body functioning at its best. That being said, regular massage can be an important ally in your fight against poor circulation and an excellent way to help ease the discomforts associated with it!
Relieves Stress and Anxiety
While everyone feels some level of stress in their lives on a daily basis, when that stress is persistent and causes an anxiety disorder, it can cause physical symptoms as well. These can include muscle tension, a feeling of constant fear or unease, fatigue, chest pains, digestive problems, and decreased immunity.
Massage helps to alleviate these symptoms by increasing relaxation and decreasing the production of stress hormones in the body. It is thought that this is due to an increase in the levels of serotonin in the brain, which leads to reduced levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Additionally, massage decreases the body’s “fight-or-flight” response which is responsible for triggering anxiety and fearful thoughts in the presence of a threat.
In addition to the physiological effects of a massage, it also promotes emotional well-being and encourages a sense of calmness. This is because it releases feel good hormones such as endorphins and oxytocin that numb the triggers of an anxiety disorder and give the person a break from the vicious cycle.
Studies have shown that a regular massage can decrease the frequency of an anxiety attack in people who suffer from chronic stress. Moreover, it is believed that this is because of the way that a massage stimulates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. This is the primary pathway through which the body can calm itself during stressful periods of time.
Research has also shown that people who receive a massage have higher levels of heart rate variability (HRV), which is an indicator of overall physical well-being. It is also thought that this is due to the fact that a massage reduces the tension in the muscles, thereby lowering the body’s stress level. Additionally, massage has been found to help patients with chronic diseases such as cancer experience reduced stress and anxiety, which can then lead to a greater ability to cope with their disease and treatment. This in turn can reduce the amount of medication that they need to take for their illness. This can be extremely beneficial to those who are taking strong medications that can cause adverse side-effects.
Improves Posture
Poor posture is a common problem that can lead to pain and discomfort. It is typically caused by sitting, standing, or working in positions that strain the body’s natural alignment. Over time, this can cause muscle imbalances and misalignments that can lead to rounded shoulders, forward head posture, and a curved lower back. Massage improves posture by relaxing tight and tense muscles, helping them to move through their full range of motion, reducing joint stiffness, and relieving pressure points that can contribute to pain.
In addition to relieving the tension that can cause poor posture, massage also increases tissue elasticity. This is because the muscles and connective tissues become more flexible when they are massaged. Tight muscles are prone to developing knots, which can lead to further tightening and restriction of movement. Massage can help to release these knots, thus reducing the tension that is pulling the muscles out of alignment and allowing them to relax.
Massage can also help to correct misaligned joints. Many times, this is a result of stiff and tight muscles that are pulling on the skeleton and leading to imbalances. Massage can help to loosen and relax these muscles, thereby allowing the joints to move freely and re-aligning the skeleton.
Lastly, massage can also help to improve posture by increasing body awareness. This is because when individuals receive massage, they are often more aware of their bodies and any areas that may be contributing to pain or discomfort. As a result, they may make conscious changes to their daily routine or habits to help alleviate the symptoms of poor posture.
While massage can be a powerful tool for improving posture, it is important to note that massage should not be seen as a stand-alone treatment for posture issues. In order to address serious posture problems, it is necessary to seek treatment from a qualified massage therapist, along with other treatment options such as physical therapy, chiropractic, and osteopathic care. By combining these treatments, it is possible to achieve and maintain a healthy posture that is free of pain and discomfort.